Philippines "A Treasure of Software Development Talent" Asahi Shinbun News Article
November 2, 2006

Today Asahi Shimbun's Financial Section (World Economy Report) reported about the Philippine's current software development industry and growing pool of talented workforce. Together with Fujitsu Software Application Operatations and Fujitsu Ten Car Electronics, AW Systems was sited as one of the primary examples in this report.

Summary of the Report (translated from Japanese)

"The Philippines is attracting lots of attention as a primary base for software development. Although China and India are still the most popular today, the Philippine resource has become a hidden treasure ready to be found due to its use of English as an official language and the large workforce pool with its high academic background. Many requests for development projects has already been recieved from European and American companies, helping push the Philippines on its way up the ladder to becoming the next "Major Software Capital". Although it may seem already a bit late in the game, there are already some Japanese companies that are aiming to increase the "pipeline" between Philippines and Japan. One of the good methods which has become popular among these companies is to focus on acquiring excellent software engineers early in their careers, often as soon as they graduate from university, in order to reap more benefits for their companies in the future.